Free Meditation Practices
Free audio meditation
free audio yogic breathing
beginning meditations
beginning breathing practices
Meditating with the body - a simple meditation to connect with our posture, position and breath in our seat of meditation. A necessary inquiry to support comfort and ease during sitting practice. Should be done sitting on a chair or cushion.
Meditation on the 5 Senses - an excellent way to immediately drop into the present moment by using the sensory experience of touch, sound, sight, smell and taste. Can be done sitting on a chair or cushion.
Concentration Meditation - using the breath in increments of 1, 3, or 7 the mind is given the right number of breaths to best support a sustained awareness. Can be done lying down or seated.
Naming Meditation - naming with words our physical, mental and emotional experiences with non-judgmental awareness and a willingness to be with whatever arises. Can be done lying down or seated.